Support Documentation

Welcome to TreeWorks support!

Use the topic categories on the left to explore the TreeWorks on-line help documentation. We value your feedback in our ongoing effort to improve the TreeWorks help experience. As always, if you have immediate questions, please contact us at 978-249-6495 to speak with a TreeWorks representative.

Activate your Extensions

The TreeWorks application is an ArcGIS extension and can be turned on and off in the ArcMap extensions window. To activate the TreeWorks extension, make sure the TreeWorks box shown is checked.

View Toolbar

View or hide the toolbar by doing the following:

  1. View > Toolbars
  2. Click on TreeWorks

TreeWorks Login

  1. Click the login button
  2. Select your username from the username dropdown menu
  3. Click "OK"

Related: Add New User

Customizing TreeWorks

Most of the dropdown lists that you see in TreeWorks can be customized; tree and maintenance descriptors can be added, modified and deleted. In this case, you want to add a descriptor "re-inventory" to the Tasks dropdown.

Tree Appraisal

Different methodologies and strategies exist for appraising trees in a developed environment; TreeWorks employs the widely-used Cost Approach established by the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers’ Guide for Plant Appraisal, 9th Edition (CTLA). In the Cost Approach, one of two formulas is applied. If the appraised tree is of a size (trunk diameter) that can be replaced out of the stock of a regional nursery, the Replacement Cost Method is used; alternatively, if the tree is too large to be replaced, the Trunk Formula Method is used. Both methods use the same basic formula; the formula encapsulates the idea that the value of a given tree is equal to the local cost of buying and installing a replacement tree of similar size and species. This base value, which represents an “ideal” instance of the tree (in perfect health and desirable location) is modified downward by the actual condition and location scores of the appraised tree.


All of the following values are set by regional committees of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), and can be customized in TreeWorks to match local preferences and variances

Replacement Tree DBH Average trunk diameter of the largest tree normally available for most species from a local nursery
Installed Tree Cost Cost to purchase and install the largest normally-available replacement tree
Unit Tree Cost Average cost in dollars per square unit(inches or centimeters) of trunk area, for such a replacement tree
Species Rating Quality of species. Each species is assigned a rating, which are contained in the species table in the geodatabase.


The following variables are taken directly from each tree's attributes

  • DBH
  • Condition
  • Location

Replacement Cost Method

Appraised value = Installed Tree Cost * Species Rating * Condition * Location

Note that in this formula, the Installed Tree Cost is a standard dollar value while the other modifiers are percent values(i.e. ranging from 0 to 1), so any modifiers less than 100% reduce the dollar value accordingly.

Trunk Formula Method

Appraised Value = Basic Tree Cost * Species Rating * Condition * Location

Basic Tree Cost = (Trunk Area Increase * Unit Tree Cost) + Installed Tree Cost

Trunk Area Increase = (Trunk Area of Appraised Tree - Trunk Area of Replacement Tree)

Note that trunk areas are calculated using the trunk diameter(DBH and Replacement tree DBH) values

The Trunk Formula method follows the Replacement Cost method, but also adds value to the installed tree cost dependent on larger trunk area.

For trees larger than 30 inches in DBH, trunk area for the purpose of this appraisal calculation was adjusted downward, based on the idea that a tree’s value would not increase proportionally to its trunk size beyond a certain point—conceptually along the lines of “diminishing returns”

Adding a new user to your TreeWorks database

  1. Log in to TreeWorks desktop using the gold key on the toolbar
  2. Once logged in, the configurations tab becomes active. Click "Configure TreeWorks"
  3. Select "Users"
  4. Enter the new user's name in the text field and click "Add New User"
  5. User now appears as an avaialable login

Adding a new tree using TreeWorks Desktop

  1. Select Add a New Tree Site from the toolbar
  2. Using your cursor, specify the location of the new tree based on orthophoto analysis or GPS data
  3. Left-click to add the geographic information of the new tree site to the base map and initiate a series of dropdown menus to specify unique tree attributes.
  4. Add any specific tree data(species, diameter, location, growing environment, current condition, defects, risk assessment, cultural information, and maintenance needs)
  5. Save the data into the TreeWorks database and have it referenced with a geographic point on the map by hitting the save button

Add photos from a digital camera

Users can add digital photographs to display imagery of specific trees in their inventory. Aside from having a visual record of each tree, this process can assist in cataloging defects or documenting maintenance activities.

There are specific ways to add geographically referenced photos at the same time as adding a tree in the field but this can require sophisticated GPS units. In this case we’ll add photos from your computer using a standard digital camera, and desktop application

  1. After adding or identifying a tree to edit, navigate to the Pictures tab
  2. Select "Add New Picture"
  3. Select a photo to display in association with the tree
  4. It is now possible to continue adding new pictures or save the new edits.

Move a Tree Site

In case of need to adjust some tree locations, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the Move a Tree Site icon
  2. Left-click on the tree to move
  3. Drag and drop the tree into its correct location

Copy a Tree Site

  1. Click on the Copy Tree icon and select the tree to copy
  2. Click on the map where you want to copy the tree
  3. Most of the attributes will be pasted into the new tree. An attributes form will be brought up for review and to fill the remainder.

Some information will not be tranferred to the new tree

Tasks, for example, are not copied over to the new tree because we may unknowingly paste several trees that are now slated for removal. Risk is another attribute that is excluded from the copy tree tool to prevent the misclassification of risk. Instead, when you paste a new tree, the risk field is left blank.

View/Edit Site Information

  1. Select the Identify Tree Site icon and click on a tree site
  2. A window will appear with information about the site. In the lower left-hand corner, check the Edit Mode box
  3. To save changes, hit the OK button in the lower right-hand corner

View/Edit Tree Information

  1. Select the Identify Tree Site icon and click on a tree site
  2. A window will appear with information about the site. Select the Tree Info tab. In the lower left-hand corner, check the Edit Mode box
  3. To save changes, hit the OK button in the lower right-hand corner

Assign Maintenance Tasks and Track their Progress

Knowledge Base Article: 00124

Last Updated: 01/22/2009

  1. Identify trees in need of maintenance on the map
  2. Select the tree to edit using the Identify Tree Site tool. Activate edit mode by checking the box in the lower left-hand corner.
  3. Navigate to the Maintenance Info tab. Click Add Task.
  4. Specify maintenance needs using a series of dropdown menus
  5. Save the task. The planned maintenance is stored in the TreeWorks database and accessible through querying sites with planned maintenance or identifying specific tree attributes.
  6. To update info in the database, select the appropriate tree using the Identify Tree Site or Query Tool . Navigate to the maintenance tab.
  7. Double-click the task to open a new window. Click the completion info tab and fill in the appropriate fields.
  8. Click save to update.

How to Query your TreeWorks Data

TreeWorks incorporates a ‘query tool’ to assist users in asking questions of the data in their inventory. The query tool will identify data based on specific site attributes, geographic location, or a combination of physical and geographic features. To better understand how to narrow a larger dataset into a more meaningful one, let's look at a hypothetical query scenario.

Let us say we want to identify all the trees on Cheshire Ave. (location) which have planned pruning tasks (maintenance task) which are high priority and scheduled for the future. We only want to query tree sites, so we select tree from the site type dropdown menu. To locate those only on Cheshire Ave., select the appropriate street from the Roads dropdown menu.

Because our interest is in trees on Cheshire Ave with planned maintenance tasks, we will select the query by maintenance info tab to select additional data to refine our query. Because we are also searching for planned prunings, select prune from the dropdown menu adjacent to task. We want to identify tasks scheduled as hi priority, so we select that.

Once we hit the select button, search results are revealed on the TreeWorks Desktop.

We have now identified the scheduled pruning on Cheshire Ave with hi priority.

You can also select Tree Sites or any other layers in ArcGIS™ using the Select by Attributes or Select by Location methods in ArcMap, when you make a selection using other methods the TreeWorks Query tool will recognize and display the number of trees that are currently selected on the map.

Recalculate tree appraisal values

The Tree Appraisal tool recalculates the entire inventory's appraised value. Recommended to use this tool when changing appraisal or when species ratings change.

Re-calculating the appraised value for every tree in the inventory can take several minutes to complete for large inventories, so if you don’t want to wait for the process to continue you can click the cancel button to stop the calculations.

Running Reports in TreeWorks

After conducting a thorough inventory detailing species composition, age class information, health and condition, and defect information. We’re now ready to query these data and prepare inventory report documents for presentation.

On your TreeWorks toolbar select the ‘generate reports’ icon. This opens the ‘TreeWorks Reports’ window in which the user defines the scope of the report.

In this example we’ll produce a baseline species diversity report. Clicking ‘species diversity’ opens a new ‘Reports Viewer’ window and displays a pie chart detailing our current species breakdown.

Now there’s a defoliating pest problem on Cheshire Ave., let’s run a report to detail our species diversity on only that one street. First use your query tool to single-out just those trees on Cheshire Ave. Then after clicking ‘TreeWorks Report Generator’, choose to generate reports using ‘selected sites only’. Now we can run our ‘species distribution report’ just as we did in step 3, however, this time we’ll only be viewing the species information for Cheshire Ave.

Now we’ll use several queries in combination with the ‘reports’ tool. To start we’ll query to identify sites with planned maintenance tasks currently scheduled. With those trees selected we’ll remove all red maple from the search to further refine our results.

With all remaining planned maintenance trees selected we’ll remove all those which are prioritized as ‘standard’. This way we’ll focus only on the planned maintenance tasks prioritized as ‘hi priority’ or ‘immediate action’.

Now in our ‘TreeWorks Report Viewer’ we’ll run a detailed report on the structural defects of our selected ‘hi-priority’ and ‘immediate action’ maintenance sites.

8. As users can plainly see there are an unlimited number of combinations by which you can apply queries and reports to ask meaningful questions of your dataset.

Checkout from TreeWorks

After connecting the handheld PDA to your computer via the USB port, a message will appear displaying the status of your connection via ActiveSync.

Once the PDA is in sync with your desktop the ActiveSync window will indicate your device is connected and your data is synchronized. If your mobile device is in its cradle, be sure ArcPad is not running. With your TreeWorks project loaded on the desktop, click the Check-out Data icon on the toolbar.

If you have more than one PDA the check-out operation will then prompt you to specify the named-unit. Navigate to your handheld device from the dropdown menu and select your PDA.

ActiveSync will process the information to include on the map and successively update the data into ArcPad™ on your mobile device.

We can now view our orthophoto and TreeWorks data in ArcPad™. Note that if un-checked-in data already exists on the PDA from a prior check-out, a message box will advise you of this and roll back the check-out.

After a day of field-work we come home with new data to check-in to TreeWorks desktop.

Related: Checking in Data and Cancelling a checkout

Cancel Checkout

Imagine a scenario in TreeWorks desktop in which you checkout data to your mobile unit before realizing you’ve uploaded the wrong geographic area to your handheld device. Let’s discuss how we can use the ‘cancel checkout’ feature to correct the problem.

  1. Connect your handheld PDA to the desktop using Microsoft ActiveSync protocol
  2. After your device is synched to the desktop click the ‘cancel checkout’ icon in your TreeWorks toolbar.
    Caution – Do not cancel checkout if you have new data which you’ve collected, data you think you’ve collected, or if you’re just unsure. These data WILL BE LOST. If you’re uncertain about new data please attempt checking-in data to TreeWorks. You may find out there’s no new data on your handheld, but you won’t lose any potentially valuable data in the process.
  3. Canceling the checkout successfully will remove the base map image and any shapefiles you mistakenly checked out to your handheld. Your PDA device is now a clean slate and you’re ready to check-out a new dataset.

Related: Checking in Data and Checking out data

  1. With our handheld unit connected to the desktop allow ActiveSync to process its connection. Click Check-In Data to import your field data back into TreeWorks desktop.
  2. Select your handheld unit from the dropdown menu
  3. An alert will appear with the number of new records identified by TreeWorks
  4. Success! We’ve now learned how to use ActiveSync to export TreeWorks data to our mobile unit and import new data from the mobile unit back into TreeWork

Related: Cancelling a checkout and Checking out data

Create and Manage Service Requests(Professional License Only)

In municipal tree management situations there are numerous individuals, employees, and organizations identifying the need for shade tree maintenance tasks. TreeWorks has developed a system for recording and tracking service requests in a desktop setting. Let’s say a neighborhood resident calls the city arborist with a concern about the black walnut across the street from her home.

  1. In the TreeWorks desktop toolbar, select the service requests icon to record information about this request.
  2. Once in the service requests window we can see past service requests which have been previously cataloged. Click add request in the lower left-hand corner.
  3. Catalog the request under the request info tab including the caller's information and a general description of the request.
  4. Typically an urban forestry staff member will assess the situation from the ground and collect specific geographic, tree-attribute, and service assessment information. Upon arriving back into the office this information can be used to update the request in the ‘service request’ pane. This specifies the need for disease treatment.
  5. This specified need for treatment will now be updated in the ‘maintenance task’ pane as soon as the user includes a specific tree site. This is accomplished by either manually entering the site ID # or adding the tree from a previous query selection . Do. Don’t check the double-outlined box next to the site ID # until the work is completed.
  6. A component of the ‘service request’ for format is a tab which allows the user to add notes regarding the situation on the ground and the appropriate course of treatment.
  7. Now that the service request is updated in the maintenance task log this pesticide treatment can be completed either through updating the specific service request or identifying the service as completed in the maintenance task manager.
  8. Now that service requests have been logged we can access these data and create reports identifying detailed information on requests, their attributes, and their progress.
  9. From your TreeWorks toolbar click the Generate Reports icon. Under the TreeWorks Professional tab, selecting Service Request Progress will display all logged service requests and their current status within a user-defined time frame.
  10. Clicking the service requests button directly below will display more detailed information regarding specific service requests including caller information and user notes.

With this more detailed understanding of the recording, tracking, and reporting of ‘Service Requests’ users can more efficiently track this process and display request data seamlessly.

Work Order Management System

In this document we will explore the Work Order functionality in TreeWorks and how you can use the maintenance task information collected for each tree to create and complete work orders.

Why use the Work Order system?

TreeWorks is tree management software as opposed to simply an inventory collection tool. By using the TreeWorks Work Order system you can organize and complete work while simultaneously updating your inventory database. In other words, by using the Work Order system in TreeWorks you accomplish two objectives. One, you organize field observations into actual assigned work orders that can be printed out with maps and given to a work crew o complete. Second, by completing a work order you’ve now updated the site history of several trees; ultimately keeping your database current.


TreeWorks uses terms such as “Maintenance Task” and “Work Order”. Chances are these terms are already in use by your organization so let’s redefine these two terms as they are used in TreeWorks.

  1. Maintenance Task: A single action required for an individual tree, stump, or planting site
  2. Work Order: A collection of Maintenance tasks assigned to a crew for completion of work

What is the difference between maintenance tasks and work orders?

Let’s answer this question by looking at few simple examples that illustrate the relationship between Maintenance Tasks and Work Orders. In the diagram below, notice there are three trees listed. Each tree in the diagram has associated maintenance tasks information. Now let’s look at how we can group maintenance tasks information into work orders theoretically.

Sample inventory with associated maintenance task(note that work orders are created by querying available maintenance tasks associated with trees in your inventory.

Example Work Order

Let’s say you want to create a Work Order that includes all trees which have a planned pruning task in the maintenance task window. Based on the image above, we can say the following:

  1. Tree Sites included in the example work order and Sites 1 & 3. 2 does not have an associated pruning task.
  2. The "inspect task" is not included in the work order. However, later we will see how you can add other tasks into your search query, but for this example we’re only interested in pruning tasks.

Creating a Work Order by Querying

Using the query tool, select sites which currently have a pruning scheduled in planned maintenance tasks. After identifying the individual sites within your query, select the ‘Mass Update’ tab and click ‘Create Work Order’.

Creating a Work Order Based on Geography

Users may also want to establish a work order based on a geographic area rather than just a ‘query by maintenance info.’ Users can also select the trees to include in their Work Order by using the ‘Select Features’ tool located in the ‘general tools’ toolbar.

With the ‘select features’ tool activated, use your mouse to draw a square around the proposed work order area. This highlights the individual trees within area of focus. Then clicking the ‘query’ tool we see our selected records based on geography. Clicking the ‘Mass Update’ tab, select ‘create new work order,’ just as we would do in a query maintenance info search.

Users can also create a geographically based Work Order by querying the ‘street’ or ‘park’ fields on which to focus.

Logging a Work Order

After creating your work order exit the ‘query’ window and select the ‘Log Work Order’ tool from the TreeWorks toolbar.This initiates the view / log work order window and displays past and present work orders created in TreeWorks.

10. Double-click ‘Work Order the pruning project we recently initiated on Franklin Drive. This initiates the work order list in which we see each individual tree site with a maintenance task assigned as part of this work order. Selecting ‘Show Work Order on Map’ will zoom to the extent of the work order and create a new layer file with unique symbology. We can now display site ID #’s to assist field staff in identifying which trees have been completed. In turn they will reference this information with the database.

Updating Task Changes in the Work Order

Checking a box in the status field indicates the work for that specific tree has been completed and updates the ‘maintenance tasks’ pane without closing the work order. Clicking save stores your changes to the Work Order as it progresses over time.

After the status box is checked as complete the tree data turns gray and the maintenance task is automatically completed in the tree site information window.

The following screen shots identify a thematic description of the process from entering data to completing a work order.

Input Data
Add trees and maintanence tasks from the desktop or field

Create Work Order
Select the trees you want included in your work order

Log Existing Work Orders
Print, update, and close out existing wor orders

Now we understand the process involved in defining the components of a work order using two different strategies. Having those features selected we understand how to ‘Create a Work Order’ and view its contents by selecting the ‘Log Work Orders’ tool in the TreeWorks toolbar. A simple ‘right click’ of the appropriate Work Order and we can select to view / edit Work Order. In this window we learned how to select individual trees (components of the greater Work Order) and identify them as completed.

Creating Work Order Reports

Clicking the ‘Print Work Order’ button at the bottom of the window initiates an itemized, detailed report of the Work Order identifying specific tree attributes and related work order progress information. This is a printable report which displays information about one specific Work Order.

Closing a Work Order

Over time our crews have been making progress on this Work Order. After each individual ‘Maintenance Task’ has been completed and checked off in the ‘Work Order’ the project has been completed. Click ‘Close Out Work Order’. This function marks the work order as ‘Completed’ when users select the ‘Log Work Order’ tool in the future. Users can specify to ‘Hide Closed Work Order’ to render those previously completed work orders invisible.

Generating TreeWorks Reports

Now at the end of the fiscal year we can generate ‘TreeWorks Reports’ based on Work Orders over a specific time frame. Select your ‘Generate Reports’ tool from the TreeWorks toolbar.

Click the TreeWorks Professional tab followed by ‘Work Order Progress’. This keystroke will query the user to specify the appropriate time frame. This selection generates a report which itemizes the work orders over a specified period of time. The graph display indicates those Work Orders which have been completed vs. those which are still open.


In this document you learn how tasks can be completed directly from the Log Work Order form. When tasks are completed in a work order, the invenory history is also updated. The individual trees will retain a history of work completed. Using the work order utilities in TreeWorks you are essential maintaining and updating your database. Street tree inventories are time consuming and costly, by updating your inventory with regular field observations and logging work orders you’re keeping your database current. Over time your tree inventory database will be more valuable then they day the inventory was finished because now you are building historical records of maintenance preformed on each tree. Over time you’ll have a wealth of information about your urban forest that can be used to identify trends and ultimately confirm or deny the effectiveness of current management practices.

TreeWorks Mobile Interface

The main interface consists of the map display, the two built-in ArcPad™ toolbars at the top of the screen, the TreeWorks Mobile toolbar underneath the ArcPad™ toolbars, and the status bar along the bottom of the screen.

There is an additional built-in ArcPad™ toolbar, the Edit toolbar, that is not visible on start-up. You are advised never to use the built-in Edit toolbar for deleting or editing features. Use of the built-in Edit tools, in place of the TreeWorks tools, bypasses certain procedures and routines that ensure proper functioning of TreeWorks and a clean database.

The Tool Buttons

Add Site Click the tool button to activate (depress) it, then click a location on the map to add a site. The site data-entry form will pop up. Fill in the attributes in the form and click the OK button to create the site. Clicking the Cancel (X) button will un-do the site creation.
Copy/Paste Site Click the tool button to activate (depress) it, then click an existing site to copy it. The site’s ID number will be displayed on the left side of the status bar. Click a second time at the desired location on the map to paste the site. The data-entry form will pop up. Fill in the attributes in the form and click the OK button to create the site. Clicking the Cancel (X) button will un-do the site creation.
Identify Site Click the tool button to activate (depress) it, then click a site to select it and open the data form. A selected site displays a square black dotted outline around it. The data form displays the associated attribute data for that site. You may edit the information. Clicking the form’s OK button will save the changes and record the date and current user, while clicking the Cancel (X) button will close the form without saving.
Move Site Click on the tool button to activate (depress) it, then click the tree you want to move. The word "Selected" will be displayed on the left side of the status bar. Then click the new location of the selected tree. The tree point will then move to new location.
Delete Site Click the tool button to activate (depress) it, then click a site point on the map to delete it. Note: you are only allowed to delete sites that have been created during the current check-out.
Exit ArcPad™ Click to exit ArcPad™. Simply closing the ArcPad™ window by clicking the X button in the upper-right corner of the window will not exit the program. If ArcPad™ is not exited properly before synchronizing with the desktop PC, check-in problems may occur.

First time Configuration of a Mobile Unit

This document outlines the most common configuration of mobile units for use with TreeWorks. However there are several possible configurations so if at any time during these instructions you have question give us a call and we can walk you through the setup. TreeWorks Support: 978-249-6495

Create an ActiveSync partnership with your PC and PDA

  1. Connect the handheld to your PC via USB connection. The ActiveSync Synchronization setup Wizard will start automatically when the new handheld is connected.
  2. Select the default options presented by the Wizard until you reach Synchronization Options (shown in the image below). Files must be checked as show in the image below.
  3. Click OK to create a synchronization folder.
  4. Click OK to complete the partnership

Once the mobile partnership has been established with the Desktop, the next step is to configure TreeWorks Desktop application to point to the newly created ActiveSync folder. Your partnership name is shown in the Active Sync Window. The partnership name should be "your-pda". It is recommended to take note of this.

Configure TreeWorks Mobile Unit

  1. Open ArcMap and click on Configuration
  2. Select Mobile Units
  3. Click Add New Mobile Device
  4. Enter the name of the handheld unit

    It is recommended here to physically label the PDA with the unit name in order to avoid future confusion involving multiple handhelds.

  5. Navigate to the Active Sync Folder and click on the Browse link
  6. Navigate to My Documents and select the folder named your-pda
  7. Click Save
  8. once the Mobile Unit Name and Sychronization path are set.

Configure ArcPad Applet Paths

Use the TreeWorks toolbar to check data out

  1. Click the checkout button on the TreeWorks toolbar
  2. Select your PDA unit
  3. Once the checkout is complete, allow a few moments for ActiveSync to transfer the files from the Synchronization folder to your mobile device. All files will be finished transferring when the Active Sync Window looks like the following image showing a status of Synchronized. Usually takes about 30 seconds
  4. Undock the handheld unit from the desktop PC
  5. Open up ArcPad on the mobile device
  6. Tap on the Configurations button located on the ArcPad 7 toolbar or tap in ArcPad 8.
  7. Click on the Paths tab
  8. Make your ArcPad Paths tab look exactly like the following graphic:
  9. Tap OK to exit the ArcPad configuration.

Once this is complete, you can exit out of ArcPad by going to the file menu and clicking Exit. The next time ArcPad is reopened and an existing document is opened, navigating to /Documents/treeworks/Arcpad.apm will display the TreeWorks toolbar in ArcPad.


This document outlines the first time setup of your Windows Mobile device for use with TreeWorks. For more information about working with TreeWorks Mobile for data capture and editing please refer to the TreeWorks Help topics: Check-out and check-in procedure for PDAs Using TreeWorks Mobile The help documentation can be accessed by clicking the button on the TreeWorks toolbar.

Checkout to an SD card(alternative to using ActiveSync)

SD Card: short for Secure Digital card, a solid state memory card used in digital cameras, PDA's and other mobile devices.
  1. Recommended: Physically label each SD card
  2. Connect the SD card to your PC via a SD card reader or USB/CD card reader
  3. Create a folder in the root drive of the SD card matching the physical label in step 1. Notice the drive letter of the SD card(i.e. "E:" in the following image)

  4. Open the TreeWorks configuration tool and click on the mobile units tab
    1. Click Register New Device
    2. Select Tablet PC or Laptop
    3. Type in a mobile unit name(e.g the name from recommended step 1)
    4. Click Browse and navigate to your SD card, and create and name new folder
  5. Hit the Save Edits button
  6. Using the toolbar, Checkout to the SD card. Once checkout is complete, you can remove the SD card from the reader and insert it into your mobile device's SD card reader.

If this is the first time using SD Card checkout option then we’ll need to set the paths to point to the SD Card instead of My Documents as it did when we were using ActiveSync.

Set the ArcPad Paths

  1. Open ArcPad on the PDA
  2. Click on ArcPad Option, then click on the path's tab
    1. Make sure your paths look like the image below using \SD Card\[NAME FROM STEP 1]\treeworks
    2. Click OK
  3. Close and reopen ArcPad to reflect these changes

Checking in From the SD Card

  1. Close ArcPad on the PDA
  2. Remove the SD card from the PDA and insert it into the SD card reader on your PC
  3. Click the Checkin button on the toolbar

Related: TreeWorks Mobile for use with Active Sync